FTSE 100
Dow Jones

Monday 19 December 2011

From the comments in Le Figaro

From a commenter on the web pages of Le Figaro:

"Soyons juste, on riait aux nez des rosbifs quand on allait adopter l'euro. On s'est moqué d'eux en les traitant avec le plus grand dédain. Maintenant, il s'avère qu'ils ont eu raison et la France a le boulet des autres attaché au cou et les rosbifs non.. et on est fâché contre eux?

Puis nos délégués les cassent carrément avec des insultes à la c..? Même si on n'est pas chaque fois tous d'accord, au moins leurs représentants se comportent avec un minimum de dignité. L'euro est un désastre et on ne veut pas admettre qu'on a eu tort.

Sarkozy veut chercher quelques votes chez Marine parce qu'il voit que le nationalisme est très efficace. Sans doute, il en a parlé avec Noyer avant qu'il n'ouvre la bouche. Compte tenu des commentaires ici, Sarko a peut-être une chance raisonnable de réussir! Effrayant."

Or for those who funked their French O-level.

"Let's be fair, we were laughing in the face of the "rosbifs" when we were going to adopt the euro. We made fun of them, treating them with great disdain. Now it turns out they were right, and France has the weight of  the other [euro members] round their necks, unlike the rosbifs .. and we are angry with them? 

Then our politicians insult them outrageously? Even if we don't always agree with them, at least their representatives behave with a modicum of dignity. The euro is a disaster and we do not want to admit we were wrong.

Sarkozy wants to get some votes from Marine [Le Pen] because he sees that nationalism is very effective. No doubt he had spoken with Noyer before the latter opened his mouth. Given the comments here, Sarko may have a reasonable chance of success! Scary."

Couldn't have put it better myself.


Anonymous said...

3rd para:

Sarkozy wants to take some votes away from Marine (Marine le Pen, leader of the Front National and dauther of the ghastly Jean-Marie)

Alex said...

OK I could have putr it better myself!

That and a few minor tinkerings added. Thanks.