FTSE 100
Dow Jones

Sunday 17 February 2013

IDS: Epic fail

I always have a downer on stupid elected politicians.  Not just the truly imbecilic ones (yes, you Prescott, Skinner and countless buffoons from the shires who represent no-one but their own pomposity), but those, and that is most of them, who don't really deserve to be in parliament because they aren't fit to debate the legislation that they are imposing on the rest of us.  And in the last few days we have had 3 prime examples.

First of all we have George Osborne and the other finance ministers thereatening to "crack down" on multinationals undertaking tax avoidance.  Well as a policy it isn't a bad idea, but if tax avoidance was such a bad thing, it is something that should have been tackled long ago.  But of course the politicians, or more specifically, the legislators, are the people who are responsible for the fact that companies are able to avoid taxes.  Not that the blame for that can all be laid at the door of Mr Osborne, but to pretend that the gaps in international tax rules is the fault of anyone other than the people who draft and vote on the legislation is pure delusion.

As bad is the ruling by the Home Secretary about judges who she says ignore the will of parliament in their judgements over the deportation of foreign criminals.  The judges aren't supposed to operate according to the "will of parliament" (actually the executive), but according to the legislation that they pass, including the treaties to which they susbscribe. If the meaning of the legislation is unclear then the judges may have regard to the debate in parliament to understand the intent of the legislation, but every other pronouncement by the executive has no meaning in law unless it is covered by primary or secondary legislation, meaning that the judges will quite rightly ignore it.  If ministers don't understand how their powers are given effect in law, then they shouldn't be in their jobs.

But the worst klutz on the government benches is the intellectually retarded former leader of the Conservative Party Iain Duncan Smith (remember that horror story).  Not over the "bedroom tax" which is probably the right thing to do, albeit very tricky, but his criticism of people "who think they're too good" to stack supermarket shelves on back-to-work government schemes. On the BBC's Andrew Marr Show, Iain Duncan Smith suggested that many "smart people" overlooked the importance of effective shelf-stacking. A geology graduate recently won a legal victory over the back-to-work scheme.

But Mr Duncan Smith warned against assuming that geology was more important than supermarket work. Geology graduate Cait Reilly, 24, argued at the Appeal Court that her unpaid work placement at Poundland, which she had been required to undertake in return for continued benefits payments, breached laws on forced labour. Commenting on the case, Mr Duncan Smith said: "I understand she said she wasn't paid. She was paid jobseeker's allowance, by the taxpayer, to do this. I'm sorry, but there is a group of people out there who think they're too good for this kind of stuff."

Now I have no great knowledge of the details of Ms Reilly's case, but I would imagine that she would have spent at least 3 years at one of our leading state owned academic institutions.  I also imagine that she spent several years at one of our state funded schools being prepared for the examonations to get into a university, and more importantly while she was at university a state fund was extending her copious credit both to live and to pay her tuition fees, so having taken vast gobs of cash of the poor young woman on the back of selling her some qualification, it is quite galling for a so-called senior member of the government to expect her to stack shelves at a supermarket for no more cash than she would have got if she was on the dole.    Such an attitude might be acceptable for someone who left school at sixteen and spent the next 3 years on the dole, but to behave that way towards someone who spent at least 5 years after the age of 16 studying, and paying vastly for the privilege is beyond contemt, but just when you think it can't get any worse IDS makes it so.

"Let me remind you that [former Tesco chief executive] Terry Leahy started his life stacking shelves.", said the former Guards officer who was kicked out of the army, and then out of a series of jobs before being voted out of the leadership of the Conservative Party in 2003.

Which of course misses the point. Terry Leahy rose to be shelf-stacker-in-chief when he ran Tescos. but not everybody wants to be a shelf stacker. Some people want to be archaeologists and study hard (and pay) to do so, not that IDS understands academic study. If he had been able to say that Sir Arthur Evans, Richard Leakey, the Earl of Carnarvon and Gertrude Bell had started out stacking shelves, he might have had a point. But he didn't, and as a result he looks a complete twit, or as one might say, a failure at school, funker in the army, short term stayer at GEC, kicked out of a property firm, loser at Janes and failed Conservative Party leader.

1 comment:

SadButMadLad said...

It doesn't matter if you trained as a geologist or as a brain surgeon. If the jobs aren't there then, yes, you do have to accept that you will have to take jobs that are "beneath" you.

There are already highly qualified university graduates who go straight to McDonalds as servers. Their education is not much use in those jobs. To expect that going to university entitles you to a good job is living in cloud cuckoo land.

If you've been unemployed for some time then I would expect that getting a bit of training in what a real job is like would be useful. If you don't get anymore for doing this training is just the same as going on a proper training course.

The companies that employ such trainees also don't get free labour, there is all the management of these people, the inductions, the paper work, plus many of them will not know how to work which will require the mentoring by experienced staff who would otherwise be doing productive work.